Un amour de Swann

- What time is it?
- Nearly 3:00, sir.

A good day to you, sir.
Thank you, Francois.
- Are you still seeing her?
- I haven't for ages.

- Does she write to you?
- Sometimes.

Marquise de Gallardon
and General de Froberville.

Why don't you go see her at home?
It would disturb her.
And I'm becoming
less attached to her.

- You don't say.
- It's true.

I'm making progress.
Baron de Charlus.
Monsieur Charles Swann.

I hardly enjoy being in her bed now.
It's strange.
Sometimes I even find her ugly.

But last night she was ravishing.
I thought girls didn't wear fruit.
Did you get my letter?
Will you come?
Kindly wait for the concerto to end.
