Un amour de Swann

I wouldn't hold it against you.
Not in the least.
I always know more than I say.
If I'm angry with you,
it's not because of what you do --
I love you, hence I forgive you --

but because of your ridiculous lying!
Why deny things I know?
You can end it in a second,
be free of it forever.
Swear on your medallion
that you've never done it.

I don't know.
Maybe a long time ago,
without realizing what I was doing.

Maybe two or three times.
That's it.
Tell me,
was it with anyone I know?
Of course not.
I swear.
Besides, I think I exaggerated.
I never went that far.
No matter.
But it's a shame
you can't at least give me the name.

If I had an idea of the person,
I could forget about her
and not pester you.
