Un amour de Swann

What's terrible
is what one can't imagine.
you've been so sweet to me.
I don't want to tire you.
I thank you with all my heart.
That's it.
But tell me, how long ago?
Can't you see you're killing me?
It's all ancient history.
I've never thought about it since.
Are you trying to put those ideas
back in my head?

A lot of good it would do.
Was it since I've known you?
Did it happen here?
At least tell me
what night it was,

so I can remember
what I was doing that evening.

And don't say you don't know
who it was, because that's impossible.

I don't know.
I think it was in the park,
the evening you met us on the island.
There was a woman at the next table.
I hadn't seen her in ages.
She said to me,
""Come behind the rock
and look at the moonlight
in the water.''
