A Room with a View

After all the trouble I took over the Miss Alans.
Of course I'd prefer friends of yours...
Friends of mine? The joke is to come.
They're strangers
I met in the National Gallery.

They had been to Italy.
A father and son. The oddest couple.

In the course of conversazione,
they said they wanted a country cottage.

A simple burrow
where they could smell the earth.

Of course, London has its own character,
but we've a longing for green things growing,
don't we, George?

The sweetness of the English countryside...
of wet hedgerows
with birds singing inside them.

I know we should make
our heaven and earth where we are.

However, I fear I've faltered
and need some help from outside.

Well, in short, sir, what I seek is a country
cottage where George can come at weekends.

I happen to know of just the place.
Not exactly a cottage, more... a villa.

Dear sir, I implore you...
If you'd give me your card...
I fear we have no card,
but George will write down the address.

Sir Harry Otway. It is in Surrey,
a place called Summer Street.

Summer Street! I've dreamed of Summer Street.
It will teach that snob Sir Harry a lesson.
The classes should mix, there should be
intermarriage. I believe in democracy.

No, you don't!
You don't know what the word means.

It isn't fair! I've probably met them before.
Perfectly fair if it punishes a snob.
I blame you. You had no business
to undo my work about the Miss Alans.

You've scored off Sir Harry, but at my expense.
It was most disloyal of you.
Temper, Lucy, temper. Please!
