Bez konca

Maybe you know what you want?
To make things better?

Fairer, right?
But where?
- In PoIand
- Which PoIand?

You don't want to taIk to me?
Am I being too bIunt with you?
WeII then, which PoIand?
- Ours. There is no other
- ExactIy

SociaIist PoIand?
Can you imagine a different

- Not reaIIy
- There you are, then

The onIy PoIand you want to make
better is a SociaIist PoIand

And that's what you have to say
Never mind what you think
You're pending triaI
Ever been in a courtroom?
Judges are a fixture

They respect their job
They may be tired, but they're
weII aware history is Iike a wheeI

Let's give them a chance
- Know what that means?
- Yes. A seII-out

There's aIways some Ieeway between
seIIing out and compromising, son

There is. But you have to find it
The evidence against you is thin
They're onIy interested in Ieaders.
Don't make it seem...
