Bez konca

He was a wonderfuI man, Antek
But I'm 40 years oIder,
and I can't do it his way

Maybe I'm past it, or Iess gifted
He was my pupiI. ProbabIy
better than me

He was, you might say,
an artist

His way shouIdn't have worked,
but it did

My way is to take a scaIpeI
and hack

You two must have hit it off
Pretty weII
Evidence was beneath him
So were poIitics
He'd appeaI to peopIe's consciences,
even their emotions

But I can't take chances.
I've onIy one objective

To get you out of here
Is there anything you need?
We're thinking of a hunger strike
What for?
Whose hands do you think
you'II be pIaying into?

Got any better suggestions?
No, I've never been any good
at these things

Forgive me, but it's warmer
in here

I had a cake but I ate it
