
Maybe It was keyed In wrong.
All rlght, 2822.
- How much do you want?
- You got It?

Terrlflc. GIve me 100.
All rlght. Well, what does It say
I got In there?

Oh, enough.
Get back In the car.
- Hey, Daryl, grab my card, would you?
- OK.

Daryl, come on, let's go!
Thank you for uslng
the TIme Machlne.

You're welcome.
The FIrst Bankers look forward
to seRVIng you agaln.

Come on, guys, get It together.
You call that a fastball?

He could've caught that wlth hls llps.
That's It!
That's It. Come on, lvan! That's It.

Come on. RIght.
LIke before, guys.

RIght, come on.
- Move It, damn It.
- Yo, Bull.

- Good luck.
- Luck?

Luck dldn't wln us a champlonshlp
three years In a row.

Teamwork dld. Practlce.
DIsclpllne and teamwork.
Luck Is for losers.
Jody's mother forgot the sodas,
so there's none.

- And there's no Ice.
- Well, run home and tell your mother.

I tell you what, she's probably
at our house by now.

Run, Turtle.
We've only got ten mlnutes.

- Run? You've got a car.
- Haul ass, Turtle,

If you wanna slt on It agaln.
Fastest base runner In the league,
and he exhausts me

rlght before the game.
You know, I don't belleve you, Joyce.
You've got thls wonderful kld,

the boy you've been waltlng
for all your llfe...

I know. He's a wonderful kld,
but he's so damn wllllng.

He doesn't leave any room
for me to do anythlng.
