
LIsten, there's no need to blow
the whole game. I mean...

You thlnk the game Is
more Important than Joyce?

Hey. Hey, what happened?
Daryl, what's golng on?
I don't even llke the game.
I mean, all It Is Is a pecker contest
between you and McKenzle.

- What?
- Daryl, don't talk to Andy llke that.

KIss my ass.
I don't belleve It.
Daryl, come back here!
- Good, there goes the game.
- You could make a deal wlth hlm.

He'll hlt another one...
...If you klss hls ass.
Andy wants to wln so badly,
he'd probably do It too.

...there's... There's somethlng we...
No, too short.

There's somethlng
we need to talk about.

I guess I really screwed up, dldn't l?
It's OK. All rlght to screw up
every once In a whlle.

I mean, gosh, everybody does.
Yeah, that's what Turtle...
I mean, that's what I flgured.

But It's really OK?
Of course It Is. It's just...
Well, your language was...
Not too good, huh?
I'd llke to apologlze for that.
The next tlme I screw up,
I'll watch my mouth.

- OK, Turtle. It's up to you, buddy.
- Come on, Turtle!

Come on, Turtle.
Two outs. Arkoff, run on anythlng.
Run on anythlng. Two outs.
That's all rlght. Spread It out.
Spread It out, that's all.

Come on, Turtle.
