European Vacation

This is our first day.
What do you think? C'est magnifique, huh?
I'll go get the kids.
Good idea. We'll get a move on.
- Where's Dad?
- I'm right here.

Just looking for the Bible. There it is.
Everybody ready?
We got a schedule to keep.

I vote we don't see any more museums.
I vote we don't get anything else to eat.
What's this?
Do I detect a note of dissension?

Yeah, Dad. Paris sucks!
Everyone's so rude.
- Come on, we're the visitors here.
- This isn't Wally World, it's a country.

We're the ambassadors of America here.
To be accepted, we have to fit in,
speak the language...

...wear French clothes.
That's why I got us all berets.

Come on, Dad.
This is really rank.
Come on now, Russ. Loosen up.
You don't want to look like a tourist.
All the French wear these.
It's the national hat.

I won't wear it. It looks stupid.
No girl will want to talk to me.

Then I guess they'll all talk to me.
I vote for berets.
I second the motion.
That's three-to-one. You lose, fellow.
