Flesh & Blood

Saint Martin is my patron saint.
I was named after him.
I see the hand of God!
I see a dead child
being received into the Earth...

and a living statue rising from it.
I see Saint Martin
sharing his cloak with a beggar...

and I see soldier Martin...
getting richer all the time.
And all that he gets...
he will share with us.
- So whas he got?
- Not a damn thing. Even his booze is gone.

One day he will be rich. God will see to that.
This statue is a sign
that he will share his fortune with us.

What do you say, Martin?
The Cardinal's right. Is a sign...
from God.
This has nothing to do with God!
Is just an ugly statue of some stupid idiot
they stuck into the ground.

Jesus Christ! Why the hell did you do that?
He had no faith. He wasn't one of us.
And anyone who isn't with us is against us.
And anyone who is against us...
