Fool for Love

Just busting a gut over something.
I don't know what it was.

A nightmare or something.
Woke your momma right up.
She climbed over the seat
there in the back with you

to try to get you settled down.
But you just kept wailing.
Wouldrt shut up for hell nor high water.

So I stopped the Plymouth
by the side of the road,

middle of nowhere.
Can't even remember
where it was exactly.

And I picked you up out of the back seat
there and carried you out into this field.

Thought the cold air
might quiet you down.

But you just kept howling.
And all of a sudden
I saw something move out there.

Something bigger
than both of us put together.

And it started to move toward us,
kinda slow.

And then it started to get joined up
by some other things just like it.

Same shape and everything.
But these things started
to kind of move in on us.
