Fright Night

But don't bring him over
until 6:00 tomorrow.

I'll be out until then.
Seems we don't have to go out
tonight after all.

His friends are bringing him over
tomorrow night...

to prove to him that I'm not...
a vampire.
It's 6:.1 0. He said
he was gonna be here at 6:00.

He said he'd be here.
He'll be here.

Here he comes!
Thank you.
Charley Brewster, I presume.

PeterVincent, vampire killer.
I cannot tell you
how much I appreciate this.

Good evening.
Now, down to business.

Where is the lair ofthe suspected
creature ofthe night?

Oh, yes.
I see what you mean.

There is
a distinct possibility.

Now, shall we go?
Where's your stakes and hammers?

I left them in my bag.
You're not going in there
without them.

But I have to prove that he is a vampire
before I kill him, Charley.

Look, I know he's a vampire!
I am the one
who has to know, Charley.

How are you gonna do that?
This is holy water.
If a drop touches him,
he will blister.

I have asked him to drink it...
while we all watch.
He readily agreed.
But if I'm right and you prove
he is a vampire...

he'll kill us all.
No, hewon't, Charley.
After all, I am here to protect you,
and I am PeterVincent!

I know, MrVincent, but--
Hey! PeterVincent.
Billy Cole.
This is a pleasure.
Won't you all come in?
And Charley.
