La Historia oficial

My nephew...
he's 16 years old
and doesn't believe...

that San Martin crossed the Andes.
I know it's silly, but don't
leave. I'm afraid to be alone.

It's not the first time!
What's wrong?

Not now.
When you come back we'll talk.
Mr. IbaƱez!
I'd like to travel with you.
Even to Bolivia.

When we return, let's take a trip.
We haven't traveled in ages.

Take care of Gaby. How was she?
Grumbling, because you're going away.
Just like her mother!
Like her mother?
Who knows what she'll be like!

There you go again!
That's it, isn't it?

We'll miss the plane!
I must go!
Stop thinking about it.
It's pointless. Stop thinking!

Mommy, I've a letter in my notebook.
It says you should...

buy me pencils, crayons and
an eraser. But no sharpener...

because in a week they'd be...
this tiny so you couldn't hold them
Must I chase you all over?
Are you sick? Are you going to die?
Come on. You have to finish dinner.
When is Daddy coming?
In a week.
Like this?
Like this. The other hand.
The whole hand.

Day after, after, after tomorrow.
Gaby, let go of my face. Go and eat.
Come on. Let's go eat.
