Miami Supercops

That's a long story.
Maybe someday I'll tell you.

-You need nuts with what you're drinking.

-Thank you.
-Mind if I sit down?

Are you kidding? On this side.
-Surprised to see me?
-Nothing surprises me anymore these days.

I was passing by and I saw you come in.
I'm glad you did. How's your truck?
Looking pretty. Between you and me,
I made a little extra on the insurance.

What do you mean, "between you and me"?
It's just between you and you.

I don't wanna know
if you're screwing your insurance.

-Who's the good-looking gal?
-She pushes an 18-wheeler.

We can't talk in front of her.
-I'll take care of it.

So you pump iron?
There you are.
I wanna introduce my friend...


By the way, me and Annabelle
are gonna take a moonlight ride.

I didn't know you were such a romantic.
Really? There's a lot of things
you don't know about me.

Nice meeting you, Irene.
-Hey, is this yours?
-Sure is.

You're not gonna tell me you use
this easy-to-park little compact all the time.

Always. Get in.
You'll find it's a lot more comfortable
than a Rolls-Royce.

-Am I gonna be safe?
-Who knows?

-I'll risk it.
-I've got some great tapes.

I hear you're interested in finding out
about a certain corpse: Garret's.

How did you know about it?
It's supposed to be top-secret.

-The ways of the Lord--
-Are infinite, I know.
