Miami Supercops

Steve, a guy named Charro called
looking for you.

He wants you to call him back
at this number: 473-8329.

I checked it out.
It's a public phone booth
in the Miccosukee district.

473-8329. Yeah, I got it.
Yes, hi to you, too, paleface.
Something's just come up.

Maybe it's important, maybe it's not.
I'll be waiting for you.

Here's to you.
Which me: the informer or the cook?
-All of you.
-Thank you.

Why don't you tell me all the places
you've been in the last two years?

Well, I spent a year in Philly.
That's it. Philadelphia.
I've never been to Philadelphia.
-Don't answer it.
-It might be important.

I know who it is.
Answer it.
Yes, right away. It's for you.
-It's that pain.

That's you.
The other day, shortly after you left...
I received this. It's from Garret.
"The eagle assures your future."
What does that mean?
I thought about it for three days.
One thing's for sure.
The letter, the screwdriver, and the hammer
are all connected.
