Miami Supercops

"The eagle assures your future."
I don't get it.
When we do get it,
we'll have the key to the mystery.

When you saw Garret alive,
you don't think maybe...

No way.
Here, take them. They are the clues.
And another thing.
Garret said the guy he was looking for
had a face-lift.

Come on, the guy he was looking for
died seven years ago.

There's an old Indian saying:
"Not all the dead are buried underground."

Some get buried at sea,
some get burned up.

Burned up.
Yeah, burned.
Hey, wait a minute.
-Who is it?
-It's me.

-I'm glad you could come back.

Sorry, but I need the names
of all the plastic surgeons...

who worked in Florida from '77 to '78.

But it's midnight.
I can't wake up my contacts.

-All right.

Hey, Detroit.
A Formula One race in Detroit, right?
Never been there. Hello?
It's got to be Danaisser.
He worked on a lot of criminals.

And he died on March 30, 1978.
Right. That's 25 days
after Ralph Duran died.

And that's enough time
for scars to heal, right?

What's with this saying "right" all the time?
Ain't you sure?

So it figures then that
Ralph Duran had the operation on his face...

-and then killed the surgeon.

There you go with that word again.
