Oberst Redl

And by noon you are kept in
the saddle by their horses.

We are not here to dishonor
the Emperor's uniform...

by making deals
with civilians...

like Kferrer and Halmi...
getting involved
in God knows what.

We're not here to seduce
a girl a week...

meaning raping her
in the woods.

Like a poor servant-girl
who dares not say a word...

for everyone would believe
the almighty officer.

Almighty officers, indeed!
Officers of the Monarchy...
must set a good example
so the people trust us...

and know the Emperor
will protect them.

My question is,
does the Monarchy...

need each one of you

here in this garrison?
Answer the question
yourselves. l'm waiting.

lf you think your presence
here has a meaning...

then you know
that with your rights...

you have certain

Only then can you
claim privileges.

You need not be
lmperial Army officers.

The post office
or the railways...

guarantees a pension.
