Oberst Redl

Are you Catholic?
We understand each other.
People say things
about me, too.

l've read your reports.
You write very well.

Or rather, convincingly.
You like to work hard...
like in Galacia, where
you proved your ability.

We'll see whether you are
just as talented here.

We have to focus on the
interests of our Manarchy.

World becomes dangerous.
Army morale is shaky.

The lmperial Army has begun
to resemble a casino...

playing pool, drinking
and chasing women, right?

Yes, unfortunately.
The spirit of liberalism
undermines everything.

Please, sit down.
ln such a situation...
one has to make a clean
sweep to restore order.

Don't stand there,
sit down.

The army must be as rock-hard
as ice on a frozen lake.

Your Highness,
fish swim under the ice.

We must take
lasting examples...

as your previous
activity proved.

We must arrange some actions
that will shake the army...

to take clear to all that
the liberalism must end.

The Emperor must see that
an effective army...

needs a new spirit.
ln my view, the people
of the Monarchy...

must be shown a distinct
face of the enemy.
