Otac na sluzbenom putu

I've been waiting
for you to tell me.

I thought you'd drop in.
You used to come
and visit your father.

Where is he?
Why doesn't he write?
Listen, Sena.
I'm serious.

He'll write when he can.
My brotherly advice is
mind your own business.

Don't ask anyone anything.
Don't even come
to see me anymore.

Mind the children
and your business.

- He's your brother-in-law.
- So what?

I'm a soldier of the Party, understand?
Understand what I'm saying?
What's this?
Some underwear.
He went in thin socks,
without a vest.

Take it home.
Can't you even
slip him a parcel?

You could when the Ustashas
caught him.

Leave it.
Take this to Malik.
The ball is on the goal line.
