Out of Africa

Just tell her we changed our minds.
Next time you change your mind...
you do it with your money.
They bought you a title, Baronessa.
They didn't buy me.

Fetch some wine
for my lover's brother.

I thinkyou're tired.
Be careful.
Did I tell you
Hans came to say goodbye?

Where is Baron Blixen?
- He's gone to hunt.
- Did he say when he'd return?

He says he can come
before the rain.

Is it going to rain today?
It can be many days
before the rain, msabu.

In Ohio we put up scarecrow
to keep the birds away.

Here, you hope there's enough leopard
to keep down the baboon.

They'll take your dog too.
But that's Africa.

- How much will we plant?
- A thousand acres.
