Out of Africa

And where would my husband
like this wagon sent?

He's with Delamere
on the border near Lake Natron.

That's confidential,
of course.

I will bear that
in mind, Lieutenant.

I only meant it wouldn't do
for it to be talk around Nairobi.

And we're going to have to move you
into town. We can't protect you here.

What do you mean?
With the men gone, we're worried about
the native element. We have orders.

Women and children into town.
That is internment, Lieutenant.
Women and children, Baroness.
-Is that one category or two?
-You'll want time to gather your things.

I'll send an escort
for you Thursday.

And I'm a captain, Baroness.
I'm not paid
to fight, Mrs Blixen.

Where is Lake Natron?
It's south, bush country.
It's no place
for a white man.
