Rocky IV

Neither fighter ready to throw a punch.
A left jab there... and once again.

- A slip by Creed.
- This is bizarre.

Creed is over the hill, and...
the Russian hasn't fought anybody.

- Keep movin'. Stick him!
- Drago's moving in again.

A left hand by Creed. Another left hand
by Creed, and Drago moves away.

Another left hand by Creed. Drago
waiting, waiting, cocking that right hand.

A punishing right by the Russian.
Get outta there! Get outta there!
A left. He's taking some punishment now.
Drago moves him against the ropes.

Tie him up now!
The Russian ties him up
and throws Creed across the ring!

It is Drago with the upper hand now.
Get outta that corner!
Another right! Another right!
Creed is against the ropes!
I think they may stop it.

What are you guys doin'?!
This is supposed to be an exhibition!

Tremendous end to the first round by the
Russian, and a very bloody Apollo Creed.

The Soviet's strength is incredible!
Champ, look. I gotta stop ya.
This fight's finished. I gotta call it.

- You can't do no more.
- I'm here to fight him.

- He's killin' ya! I gotta stop this thing.
- Promise me you're not gonna stop it.

That was a pulverising round
for the ex-champion.

Hey, folks. Ivan Drago is definitely for real.
You don't stop this fight, no matter what.
Apollo! Apollo!
