Sans toit ni loi

Get a picture of her face
Her face
A woman in the ditch
She's dead. She's dead
When did you find her?
-This morning at 10, I think.
-10 o'clock?

Maybe she stumbled
and got knocked out

The temperature was so low,
the cold could have gotten to her

No I.D. on her
That's wine dregs on her.
They threw her in a wine vat

8 feet
What was she like? She look OK?
She had a vacant stare,
like a vagrant

The way she looked at me
I realized she was a...

That's all I know
-What do you say?
-A natural death

No marks on her
Looks like she froze to death
No one claimed the body, so it went
from a ditch to potter's field

She had died a natural death
without leaving a trace

l wonder if those who knew her
as a child still think about her?

But people she had met recently
remembered her

Those witnesses helped me tell of
the last weeks of her last winter

She left her mark on them
