Spies Like Us

use dr. Hadley's.
the khan's brother
is being prepped now.

if you refuse
to do this,

the khan will lose
faith in you and us.

the consequences
could be severe.

I see.
well, the truth is
I am a great surgeon,

but alas, I recently suffered
severe nerve damage

in my left hand.
oh, my god!
yeah. look at that.
no feeling at all.
how did that happen?
I was lifting
a car off a child.

it was a big cadillac.
I'm so disappointed.
the khan will be
very suspicious.

my god.
oh, there, there, there.
actually, I could
operate without my hands.

dr. Greenbaum
could be my hands.

I could tell him
what to do.

youwouldget a chance
see me in action.

that would be

after I guide dr. Greenbaum
through an operation,

I get very depressed.
I couldn't
do it myself.

it's a very bad time
for me.

don't you worry.
I'll be with you.

give me a break.
about an hour?
fine. an hour.
thank you.
you're good with tools,
aren't you? instruments?

you kidding? you're
talking to Millbarge.

want something converted,
built, repaired, modified?

you're talking
to mr. hands.

ahh. mind if
I play through?

doctor. doctor.
glad I'm not sick.
