Spies Like Us

is the surest
possible way

to encourage
an aggressor.

I demand you place me
in immediate communication
with the president!

relax, mr. ruby.
this facility is more than
adequately stocked

for a comfortable 17 months
of below-ground existence.

we'll be fine.
by your actions, sir,
you are risking the future
of the human race!

to guarantee
the American way of life...

I'm willing
to take that risk.

it's hard to believe
it's been only 15 minutes

since I destroyed
the world.

in another 15 minutes,
it will all be over.

it's such a short time
to destroy a world.

and to think my high school
guidance counselor

said I'd never
amount to anything.

it just goes to show--
guidance! source
programmable guidance!

Fitz-Hume! Boyer!
get up! get up!
come on! come on!
come on!
wait a minute!
what's going on here?

you have a tent?
bring me
the Satscram dish.

I think we can
recall it.

what do you mean,
recall it?

you mean like
a defective pinto?

take this up.
up. climb.
grab a rock.
grab a hammer.

we can divert it.
it's made to respond
to in-flight commands.

here's a rock.
go to the Satscram

now what?
smash that thing!
it's broken.
bring it here.
not the rock.
