Teen Wolf

- Tough night, huh?
- Yeah, you could say that.

And there was a full moon last night.
I meant to talk to you about that last evening,
but you were kind of upset.

Here's a nice hot cup of cocoa.
Looks like you can use it.

That'll help.
Look Scott, being what we are
is not without its problems,

- but it's not all bad either.
- Tell me about it.

You can do things the other guys can't.
Oh, like chase cars and bite the mail man?
When you want it,
you're gonna have great power.

And with great power
goes a greater responsibility.

- Your mom and I learned to live with it.
- And what if can't?

I can look forward to stealing babies
in the middle of the night.

And killing chickens.
Fearing full moons, dodging
silver bullets. Well, no thanks.

Don't believe all that stuff.
With certain obvious exceptions

werewolves are people like anyone else.
What I'm trying to say is
the werewolf is a part of you,
but that doesn't change the inside.

Look, I've got a bad outside hook shot.
I'm allergic to eggs.

I've got a six dollar haircut.
I mean, I have problems.

I don't need this one.
I gotta get to school.
That went well.
