The Breakfast Club

Anytime you're ready, pal.
I don't want to get
into this with you, man.

Why not?
'Cause I'd kill you.
It's real simple.
I'd kill you, and your
fucking parents would sue me.

And it'd be a big mess, and I don't
care enough about you to bother.

Chicken shit.
Let's end this now.
You don't talk to her.
You don't look at her.
And you don't even think about her!
Understand me?

I'm trying to help her.
Brian, how you doing?
Your dad work here?
- Uh, Carl?
- What?

- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.

- How does one become a janitor?
- You want to be a janitor?

No, I want to know
how one becomes a janitor...

because Andrew's very interested
in a career in the custodial arts.

You think I'm some
untouchable peasant, serf, peon?

Y eah?
Maybe so.
From following a broom
after shitheads like you...

I've learned
a couple of things.

I look through your letters.
