The Coca-Cola Kid

Australia is an island
which has been isolated...

from many dangerous
animal and plant diseases.

The cabin area is now being
sprayed by quarantine officers.

This is an essential precaution
against the insects...

which might
otherwise introduce...

human or agricultural diseases
into Australia.

Please ensure
that you remain seated...

until the spraying is completed.
lf you experience discomfort
from aerosol sprays...

we suggest you place
a handkerchief...

over your nose and mouth.
Thank you for your attention.
A gentleman to see you.
Frank Hunter?
Becker. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Who from where?
Becker. Atlanta, Georgia.
Straight from the airport.
Just dropped my cargo bag
and stuff at a hotel...

and came right here.
This is beautiful.
l'm pleased to meet you, Becker.
What can l do for you?
l was to report
to you today, wasn't l?

-Telex just arrived.
-Thank you.

Excuse me.
Sit down, please.
