The Color Purple

You do what I tell you.
Dear God, I seen my baby girl.
I know it was her.
She looked just like me and my daddy.
Like more us than us is ourself.
My little girl looks like
she fretting over something.

She got my eyes, just
like they is today.

Like everything I seen, she seen.
That's real pretty.
I'm making me and my
little girl a new dress.

Her daddy will be so pleased.
Who her daddy?
Mr. Samuel.
Mr. Samuel...who he?
The Reverend Mr. Samuel.
You want that cloth or not?
We got other customers.

Yes, sir. I want five yards, sir.
You want something?
How long you had your little girl?
She be seven months on the 15th.
Can I hold her?
If you like.
I think she mine.
