The Color Purple

I do!
You may now salute the bride.
I's married now! I's a married woman!
I been needing so many curtains,
but I ain't had time.

You children go on home!
Harpo, come on down.
I need you to hold this baby.

I'm busy.
Busy making a racket.
Now come on down here!

Damn, I'll come down
when I'm good and ready!

Child, we're going to
get you a little milk.

A little milk for the baby, yes, indeed.
Here. Go to your daddy.
What should I do with it?
Feed her, then fix up
the mess you done.

I can smell the rain coming.
Miss Celie, we got some new curtains
I want to put in the bedroom.

What you staring at?
It's gonna rain on your head!
