The Color Purple

I'm driving!
I'm driving.
Look, I'm driving!
Isn't that fun!
Dear God...
...after many years, they
let Sofia out of jail...

...just to put her in the next.
She had to be Miss
Millie's maid after all.

Mayor bought Miss Millie a car, and
she had Sofia teach her how to drive.

Poor Sofia, stuck with Miss Millie...
...for the rest of her life.
We went past the store.
I've got it. Top of the 'H'. Here we go.
That was exciting, wasn't it?
Yes, ma'am, I reckon it was.
Let's do the shopping!
I need apples, raisins,
cinnamon, currants, lemons...

...crackers, sugar, oranges,
nutmeg, flour, salt, pepper...

...cloves, eggs, and some
candy for the children.

I've been wondering about us starting
a fund for the poor colored children.

Sofia's been teaching me to drive.
Have you ever thought
about going to Mars?

I wonder what it's like.
