The Dream Is Alive

The vast craters
of the Galapagos Islands.

An orbital sunrise.
Altitude: 2000 feet.
Range: 12,000 feet.
As this is Discovery's maiden voyage,
Hartsfield will land on the runway...

:20:06 Edwards Air Force Base
in California.

He has lots of room...
...but he'd like to touch down on
those two black stripes on the runway.

Touchdown. Discovery safely back
on Earth after having traveled...

...2.17 million nautical miles...
:20:26 six days and 57 minutes.
- Welcome home.

Discovery rides back to Florida
atop NASA's 747.

With four orbiters in the fleet,
new astronauts are needed.

Thousands of candidates apply.
Few make it.

Check your body position.
Bail out! Bail out! Bail out!

Hook is down. Keep on walking!
