The Falcon and the Snowman

FBI says I killed a border patrolman
in Laredo, Texas.

You said, "I expect to be paid..."
- Correct. Premium prices.
- But you said "l".

- Not "we".
- We expect to be paid.

- Hello.
- This is the operator.

- I have a call for Mr Philippe.
- Speaking.

- Go ahead.
- Gracias, señora.

Buenas tardes, Señor Philippe.
Señor Gómez, how is Señora Gómez?
Mucho gusto. Guess what?
You were right. My uncle says hi.

Hello, Señor Philippe? Hello?
I'm still here.
It was beautiful! They were
dying for the stuff! I just walked in...

"For your new place!"
"Hasta mañana,
- Hello?
- Hi, Mom.

- Chris! How are you?
- Pretty good.

- How's the apartment? Shaping up?
- Yeah, it's coming along.

- How are you?
- Fine, just fine.

- How's Dad?
- Great. I'll go get him...

No, no. Don't bother him.
Just tell him I called and...
I'll call him later or something.

Yeah, everything... Huh?
Better get off. Your father's
about to break his neck. I love you.

- I love you... too.
- I'll call you back.
