The Return of the Living Dead

We sell these to medical schools
and to the US Army for ballistic tests.

Say hello.
We usually got more inventory than this...
...but we're expecting
a shipment on Monday.

How many bodies are in here usually?
You don't want to be overstocked.
Like the restaurant business...
:03:36 don't want your inventory
to lose its freshness.

Tell you what l'll do, kid. Teach you
how to fill out these shipping forms.

Look alive.
.We gonna party tonight or what?
.We are gonna party.

.Where we gonna party?
.l don't know. Somewhere.

We can go to the park.
We can't. The cops will
shoot us if we go back to the park.

.l ain't in no mood to die tonight.
.l like death.

.l like death with sex. And you, Casey?
.Yeah, so fuck off and die.

When we gonna party tonight, Tina?
That'd be rad, but l have to meet Freddy
when he's done work.

.Where you supposed to meet him?
.At this medical supply warehouse.

No, he got a job? What a dick.
Shit, why didn't you say so?
Why don't we all go pick Freddy up?

He always knows
where there's a place to party.

Yeah, kid?
What's the weirdest thing
you ever saw in here?

l have seen weird things come,
and l have seen weird things go.

But the weirdest thing l ever saw
just had to cap it all.

Yeah? What's that?
Let me ask you a question, kid.
Did you see that movie
Night of the Living Dead?
