The Return of the Living Dead

.But when will you find them?
.Christ, Ethel, l don't know.

Maybe we'll never find them.
We've been through all this before.
They could be anywhere.

.Where the fuck are we going?
.To party.

To pick up Freddy.
.What the fuck is Freddy up to these days?
.He got a job.

.No shit? What job?
.He's a stockroom clerk.

That sounds like a shitty job.
lt isn't the President of the US,
but he makes money to buy stuff.

.Maybe he'll buy something from me.
.He don't like your kind of stuff, Suicide.

How come you guys only come by
when you need a ride?

'Cause you one spooky motherfucker.
You think l'm spooky?
What the fuck do you think you are?

.Man, what a hideous, ugly place.
.l like it. lt's a statement.

.Come on, let's go get the prick.

.Why not?
.lt might freak out his boss.

That's not nice.
What does he think we are,
weird or something?

.What time does Freddy get off?

.l ain't sittin' here two fuckin' hours.
.We could go drive around.

.l don't got gas. You wanna buy some?
.l was kidding.

.We could go fool around in there.
.You mean that cemetery?

Let's do that.
What do you want to do,
turn over gravestones?

No, l just want to look around
the graveyard.

l ain't never seen one before.
.You never been to a funeral?
.l never knew nobody that died.

l don't think this is a good idea.
.What's that?
.Road flares, ass.wipe.

.What do you want with those?
.l just want to party.

What are the road flares for?
