The Return of the Living Dead

.Are we fucked? What's happening?
.The cadaver.

.What's it doing in there?
.l don't know. lt sounds sore.

.What are we going to do?
.Lock it in.

Hurry! Jesus Christ!
We gotta think.
Come on, son, get in there!
Jesus Christ!
.Are we going crazy?
.No, it's that crap from the tanks.

The goddamn chemicals,
it's all over everything.

.Stupid asshole!
.Watch your tongue if you like this job.

.Like this job?

.We got to tell the cops.
.No, you don't want to call them.

You know what they'd do to the company?
.Who cares about the company?
.Our reputation!

.Fuck your reputation.

What about the number on the tank?
.lt said, ''Call in case of an emergency.''
.No, that's the army.

You don't want the goddamn
army around this place. Think!

.What are we gonna do?
.What are we gonna do?

We're gonna call the boss.
Burt? Frank.
We have a little problem.
Do you ever fantasize...
...about being killed?
Do you ever wonder about
all the different ways of dying...

:18:35 know, violently...
...and wonder what
would be the most horrible way to die?

l try not to think about dying too much.
For me...
...the worst way...
...would be for a bunch of old men...
:18:55 get around me...
...and start biting...
