A Fine Mess

Okay, you gotta do something
to attract their attention.

-I gotta?
-So I can pIace the bet.

You're the perfect attention attractor.
-You reaIIy don't care if I get kiIIed.
-I don't want anybody getting kiIIed...

-...starting with me.
-Okay. AII right, aII right.

Oh, boy.
If I don't survive,
pay for the funeraI out of my haIf.

Nothing eIaborate. Whatever's Ieft, give
to the Screen Actors' country home.

-You want my car?

-Thank you.
-Here's the pink sIip.

I'II do it.
Oh, thank you.
You're not gonna regret this.

-I wiII regret it.
-No, you won't.

Wait. Dennis,
what are you gonna do?

Come on. What are you gonna do?
-Wash your hands?

-What are you doing with the soap?
-I'II eat it.

-I'm serious.
-I'm gonna eat it.

What are you going to do with it?
Watch this.
Hey, MichaeI! Mike!
Excuse me.
GentIemen, have either of you
seen a Ioose brindIe buII terrier?


-He was foaming.
-We ain't seen him.

-Yeah, and he bit me.

Tough, but we ain't seen him.
Hey, Iisten, if he was foaming,
he might have rabies.

Yeah, I'm reaIIy worried about that.
-Yeah, Iike Cujo.

Remember how he foamed?
Spike? Spike?
Here, boy. Here, boy.
-Bink. Bink.

Here, Spike. Here, boy.
Excuse me. WouId you know
where I couId find a good veterinarian?

I think I've got worms.
The field is loading
into the starting gate.
