Absolute Beginners

It"s ready.
Selling out
Don't try to stop me
I'm pulling out
Are you with me or without me?
Let"s party.
Right. Go and circulate.
Push yourself forward.

You know, give it some of that.
Who got you ready?
Hi, call me Cobber.
He"s researching a TV special.
Do you know any authentic teenagers?
What are they?
Teenagers are the new economic class.
This is the age of the teenager.
It"s my aim, it"s my mission in life...
to bring pop culture to the masses.
Why don"t you give me a ring?
My number"s Speedwell...
What is my number, anyone?

Speedwell, 8-7-6-5.
Yes, that"s it.
What he actually wants to know is...
do you teenagers have an active sex life?
Well, do you?
None of your business, nice bitch-girl.
I love anger.
You know, you and I
ought to argue sometime.

Selling out, selling out
Good idea. You need a nose job, Harry.
Having it all, having it all
You'll never stop me
We meet at last, Colin.
