Absolute Beginners

It is a black tide,
which threatens to engulf our country.

Only last week, in Tilbury docks...
a black spider over 8 inches long...
was discovered, concealed
in a crate of bananas from Africa.

Your women are being sold
into sexual slavery, to pander to the lust...

Give me that.
...of the African barbarians.
The time for talking...
Way out. L"ll see you out with pleasure.
What the hell...
right do you think you"ve got coming here,
stirring up trouble?

You want to smell my broom?
You shut up, curly-locks.
Naturally, we're doing all we can
for anyone who can't afford it.

You know what I mean?
Little incentive schemes.

Don"t you worry.
Is this who I think it is, Maury?
He lives at one of ours,
in Ladbroke Crescent.

Bright boy.
He"ll land on his feet.
Hey, ease up.
Hello, Tradewind.
Jump in.
Close shave, Colin.
City"s full of people, kid.
People looking for rainbows, Colin.
But l"ve been looking for you.
You deserve a drink. It"s over there.
I don"t drink.
Not anymore.
Smoke? Take a Strand.
You"re never alone with a Strand.
What"s this?
A housing development for newlyweds.
It"s lovely.
No, it"s not, son. It"s horrible.
But it"s lucrative.
