Crocodile Dundee

Shall we?
Ah, Roberto!

Good evening, Mr Mason, I can see
you've got some friends. Follow me.

Thank you.
I had almost forgotten
what a sexy-Iooking lady you are.

I'm gonna have to find a way
of keeping you in town.

- You two should really be alone.
- Sorry, it's been six weeks.

- That's all the more reason...
- It's your first night in New York.

- Richard and I want you with us.
- Right, absolutely.

New York is no place
for a... country gent.

Ain't no crocodiles out there, but a fast
movin' Chevy sure make a mess of you.

What's your game?
Great. I'm starving.
Grazie, Roberto.
È stato piacere un rivederti.

Bravissimo, lei parla
molto bene Italiano.

Thank you. Perhaps I should order
for all of us, all right?

I don't imagine that they have any...
kangaroo steak or possum grits!

Don't worry, Mick can make
a gourmet meal out of anything.

Even medium rare goanna.
It was great, wasn't it?
And what about the yams?

They were great.
Well, that's... That's wonderful.
So, as he's our guest, perhaps
he'd like to order for all of us.

Wait a minute, I'll do that.
