Diavolo in corpo, Il

But following Tartaglia and Gatti,
others have collaborated
in the dismantling of this apparatus
and the annihilation of that
'geometrical force',

as Piantanida loves to call it.
Those who have bloodied
our city's streets

and left indelible signs in all of us.
Mr President,
gentlemen of the Court,
there are men who hide their own guilt,
others who make amends.
There are unwritten laws
where a conspiracy of
silence isn't a crime.

But the rule for the survival
of criminal organisations...

if someone tears the veil,
they break the bonds

which connected them
to the subversive organisation

and for this reason, gentlemen,
they are called 'vile'.

- Where?
- In the hard cases' cage.

How many times in this Courtroom...
...reports of suffering and damage...
Can't you see how
they're moving?

Oh yes, now I see them.
- With the papers.
- Yes.

Bloody hell, they really are hard cases!
Don't let them hear you.
