Do ma daan

Loan money from foreigner?
He wants to build up his
power to conqueror the South.

Back to monarchism.
Why me then?
We suspect.
My dad is the middle agent
for the progress.

And the document is with him.
We've to have that paper.
So we can discover Yuen's conspiracy.
Then we can have democracy.
What's the matter?
We found an unidentity woman.
In your repertory.

She's my daughter.
Doing such immoral thing.
How can you prove she is your daughter.
Her mother is my wife.
Give me the proof.
Take her!

I'll go and find my wife.
Write carefully, if not,
they'll lose their temper.

Give me money to save a man.
That's it! A serious matter.

My wife's coming.
You're cheating.
She's so thin.
How can she's such a big daughter?
Show be a fat one tomorrow.
What are you performing outside?
The Stubborn King.
A good one.
We want to watch.
All women are guerrilla,
how about your mom?

How dare you say that?
Take off the pants
and give back to Kid Hung.

Prepare supper!
We're having sukiyaki tonight?
Sukiyaki? Potato!
Go away!
Be smart!
He's from Ticketing Office,
they're everywhere.

Be careful next time.
Remember, we'll meet at Sung's office.
After I steal the document,
you take it down to south.

No bad, prettier than the guy next door.
