Dokument Fanny och Alexander

Let's do it once more!
-You can give them the cue.
-I did that, but nobody saw me.

You'll have to wait.
Spit out the almond.
And shout: "I got the almond"

Stand up.
Then show it to everybody.

Let's go through this once more.
Stand up.

Like this.
He holds it like that, Yes.

And he says: "A porridge rhyme"
(Traditional Swedish rhyming verse)

-A porridge rhyme.
-No, I think sitting down is better.

Everybody is talking,
when you announce: "one moment"

One moment! A porridge rhyme!
-The porridge is like a stronghold.
-It's our food and joy.
-Misery and sorrow will be
exchanged for gold.

-At last our hope will deploy!
Like that, Yes.
And you keep talking.

Käbi is drunk as you all know.
And then, Fanny shouts.
