Down and Out in Beverly Hills

... Ooh! Oh!
... Ooh! Oh!

My son, the filmmaker.
I've got to call
the sprinkler man now. Jesus!

Ah, there we are.
Mmm. Mmm.
Mr. Whiteman, what
a nice new "humpsuit."

Carmen, limpie las ... Oh,
how do you say "candelabras"?

Barbara, for crying out loud,
she speaks very good English.

I know that, but the next time
we go to Mexico, I intend to be
prepared for any emergen-cia.

... Emergencia.
... Emer-gencia.

... Where's Jenny?
... She's asleep.

Vaya al "marcardo."
... Mercado.
... Merca-do.

Family, scene one,
take one.

Pr eparing the feast,
my father, Dave Whiteman ...

Get out of here, Max.
How do you think
Steven Spielberg got started?

How do you feel
this Thanksgiving?

How do I feel?
I'll tell you how I feel.

I feel like my son should stop
acting ridiculous on this day

when we should all be giving
thanks for our blessings.

And guilty.
Yeah, we should all be feeling
a little guilty.

People are starving
in the world.

Guilt is useless.
Your swami tell you that?
My yogi, Ranbir.
I thought this
was a holiday.

It's the caterer
with the turkey.

Arrival of the bird.
Carmen, la "porta,"
por favor.

Why doesn't he use
the service entrance?

Sal, why don't you ...
