Down and Out in Beverly Hills

Look, I think
what you ought to do

is stop running around here
harassing people ...

No, wait a minute.
My dog was stolen.
I think it was dognapped.

I understand.
It's going to be okay.

Why don't you
go downtown and
take a bath?

... Hey! Screw you.
I'm a citizen.
... Just r elax.

... I'm a citizen.
... Okay. Okay.

Well, I wish you could stay
a little longer.

I'll be back at Christmas.
Maybe Jim will come home
with me.

I'd like to meet him.

It seems real serious.
It's hard to find someone
as nice as you, dad.

What does he do ...
this Jim guy?

He's a road manager
for a rock group.

I hope he's
not a drug addict.

He smokes some grass,
you know,

and he does a little cocaine
once in a while,

but I assure you
he is perfectly normal.

Jen, I want you to tell me
that you don't do drugs.

Dad, you've got to stop
this inquisition, okay?

... Okay, okay, okay.
... I'm 19 years old.

I'm your father.
Why does mother keep
falling for all these
gurus and charlatans?

It's so '60s.
... Hey, hey, hey.
... What?

You haven't said anything
about the car.

It's nice.
The white zone
is for immediate loading...

It's not too, uh...
too Beverly Hills?

Dad, you do not
have to justify anything.

You work very, very hard
for your money.

Well, I guess I f eel,
you know, a little guilty.

... Guilt sucks.
... Yeah.

... Kiss?
... Bye!

The white zone is for immediate
loading and unloading...

Maybe they'll give her
a good meal on the plane.
