Down and Out in Beverly Hills

500, 000 hangers a day.
You know what that means,
500, 000 hangers a day
at 4 cents a hanger?

And we don't have
any salesmen ...

do you know
what that means?

That's the beauty part.
Hey, Bobby!
Good to see ya.

Yeah, this is where
Dav-Bar started.

A lot of hangers.
Hey, Raymondo!
Right now,
we're negotiating
with the Chinese.

We're gonna have
a very big party
New Year's Eve

for the minister of trade,
Mr. Chao,

and his whole group.
You know what that
could mean, don't ya?

850 million Chinese ...
200 million hangers
every year, minimum.

The Chinese are
very neat people.

Yeah, you hardly ever see
a Chinese bum.

You want a job, Jer?
You give me the word,
I'll give you ...

I'll give you
a job tomorrow.
What do you say?

Start you on the line,
get your feet wet in shipping.

Not really my line,

You kill me, I swear.
You know we got
a very good health plan?

Just put in
comprehensive dental.

Alesio, Alesio...
how are you?
Show him your teeth.

See? You gotta worry about
things like that, Jer.

Can we grab some lunch?
Sure, sure.
You know,
when your teeth go,

well, you know
what I'm talking about.

Would you like another bottle
of Beaujolais, Mr. Whiteman?

Ah, what do you say,
Mr., uh, Mr. Baskin?

Could use another piece
of chicken, though.

Didn't I see you
at the Cannes Film Festival?

You were
with Susan Sarandon.

Something to do
with Nicaragua.

Are you a Sandinista?
No, no.
Wait, I know now.
You're Sandy Kinney's boyfriend.
