Down and Out in Beverly Hills

Come give him a hug.
... Give me a break here!
... Well, get with it.

Nice dog.
Nice dog, all right?
You're a very nice dog.
When your guest leaves,
Matisse will eat.

He'll be voracious.
He'll be okay.

I wouldn't worry
about that.

But he has other problems.
I believe he suffers
from nipple anxiety.

Probably came
from a 9-dog litter.

Now, about my fee...
Listen to this,

"If your dog has a fit,
"he runs around aimlessly,
barking hysterically,

foaming at the mouth,

"completely beyond control
till he finally collapses,

"Often defecating
and urinating,

"he becomes
stiff and starry-eyed,

"clamping his jaws,
foaming at the mouth,

"staggers and falls
on his backside

"with his legs pumping
convulsively in the air...

"The fit is not a disease,
but a sign
that something is wrong"?

Matisse! He's just trying
to say hello.

Hello. Thank you.
Are you Iranian?
Yes, but we live here now
in Beverly Hills.

Me too.
My name is Jerry.

I am Amir.
You want an apple,

Oh, thank you, Jerry.
Here, catch.
Matisse! Stop that
or I'll call Dr. Von Zimmer!

I was listening
to what that psychiatrist
said about your dog.

Dr. Von Zimmer seems to
think you're the problem.

Could be.
Matisse is a picky eater.
I've tried everything.

I bought him every kind
of dog food there is.

Where do you keep it?
In the cupboard
by the fridge.

Oh, Mighty Dog
corned beef.

You see, your dog,
this dog thinks it's human.
