Gung Ho

A lot of people are moving.
You haven't said anything
about the japanese. How did it go?

Remember the first time I met your dad?
He came after me with a power sander?

- Yeah.
- It didn't go quite that well.

They should've sent somebody else.
Mr douglas? Hunt stevenson.
I used to work for you, remember?

I understand you're plant manager
up there now. Congratulations.

I really liked working for you
when you were here.

Yeah. Hey, how's mrs douglas doing?
So, you never hear from her, then?
Oh... termite man, huh?
Yeah. Well, I' ll tell you
the reason I' m calling.

I' m toying with the idea of relocating.
And I was...
yeah, so... I' d go through
the local union up there, huh?

Ok. Hey, how's that dog of yours,
rusty? That frisky little...

steam-rollered, huh?
Hunt stevenson, yeah. No, stevenson.
Yeah, you know me.
We were at the kindergarten together.
No, not you and me,
me and your cousin hector.

He used to talk about you
all the time at nap time.

That's right.
Listen, ed, here's why I' m calling.
I' m the foreman up here in hadleyville.

I understand you're doing
some hiring down in the galveston plant.
