Watch where you're going,
you silly cow!
Jesus Christ.
Welcome to London,
Dr. Slaughter...
and to the Institute for Middle
Eastern Strategic Studies.
Dr. Slaughter has
a Ph.D. from Harvard...
and comes to us after
3 years fieldwork in China.
Now, I don't have
to remind you...
how important it is
for our institute...
to maintain its
special relationship...
with the Arab world.
We're dependent upon
its good will...
and its generosity...
for the funding of all
our research projects.
So think of yourselves
as ambassadors...
bridge builders...
You owe me the money,
Nigel, and I want it.
Ask me nicely, then.
Why should I?
We bought the house together.
Everything is in
the lawyer's hands.
The divorce papers
are going through.
Nigel, I have to pay my rent.
If you can't afford it,
get something smaller.
It's a bed-sitter, Nigel.
It makes our place in Peking
look like a palace.
You used to say
your surroundings...
didn't matter
as long as I was around.