I don't know, everything after
China seems...anticlimactic.
Did you get to know
many Chinese?
A few.
The Chinese weren't
really encouraged...
to have Western friends.
We were considered...
spiritual pollutants.
Spiritual pollutants.
I had a Chinese lover
for a while.
Oh? Is that allowed?
Not really.
This is crazy.
An escort agency sends me
out on a date...
and I end up talking
to Lord Bulbeck about...China.
Why don't you call me Sam?
Where did you learn to do that?
I can't stand helpless men
who can't cook...
but you can treat it
as a form of courtship.
Tell me about
your Chinese lover.
Chinguay was considered
a dissident poet.
I used to sneak him
into my dorm room...
and put blankets up
over the windows...
and we'd stay up all night
arguing about T.S. Eliot.
Can I ask you a question?
Why does somebody like you...
go to the Jasmine Agency?
We men are stuck with
the courtship ritual...
and I just don't
have the time for it.
I was going to ask you
the same question.
I need the money...
and I happen to like
uncomplicated sex.
A lot of women
need the money, but--
A lot of women like
uncomplicated sex. May I?
How long have you
been doing this?
Oh, about a couple of weeks.
You're the first person Ive
been able to talk to, actually.